Last updated on November 21st, 2020 at 11:04 am
Author Archives: Sukhjit Singh
Watson, R. T., Lind, M., & Haraldson, S. (2017). Physical and digital innovation in shipping: seeding, standardizing, and sequencing. Paper presented at the HICSS.
Beyond sea transports
Last updated on June 19th, 2023 at 04:09 pm

Becha H., Frazier T., Lind M., Voorspuij J. (2023) Buyers and Sellers may finally know where their goods are!, 5/1-2023 The Loadstar (
Lehmacher W., Lind M. (2021) Network Horizon 2021: Emerging ecosystem effects in a disrupted road transport sector, Transporeon.
Hvid Jensen H., Andersen M. M., Dao A., Lind M., Pandey V., Bapuji G., Petersen M., Hobson B., Lehmacher W., Turos A. (2021) Digitalisation in a Maritime Circular Economy, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics: Additional Perspectives and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer.
Hvid Jensen H., Andersen M. M., Dao A., Lind M., Pandey V., Bapuji G., Petersen M., Hobson B., Lehmacher W., Turos A. (2021) Digitalisation in a Maritime Circular Economy, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics: Additional Perspectives and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer.
Park J. H., Lind M., Bjørn-Andersen N., Christensen T., von Elern F., Pot F. W. (2021), Maritime Informatics for recreational and fishing vessels, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics. Heidelberg: Springer.
Port City Integration
Last updated on November 5th, 2022 at 04:49 am

Rygh T., Sánchez J., González A., Rudolfsson P. (2021) Connecting cities and ports via Maritime Informatics, Digitalisation in maritime regional and global supply chains, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics. Heidelberg: Springer.
Last updated on November 21st, 2020 at 11:01 am

Forcellati C. L., Georgeson C., Lind M., Singh S., Sjöberger C., Woxenius J. (2021), Support for financial decision making, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lind M., Lillelund Forcellati C., Lane A., Watson R.T., Andersen T., Bergmann M., Sancricca M., Haraldson S., Ward R., Bjorn-Andersen N., Theodossiou S. (2018) Using PortCDM data to increase the efficiency of financial transaction processing, Concept Note #19, STM Validation Project (
Energy efficiency
Last updated on February 22nd, 2024 at 10:54 am

Lehmacher W., Lind M. (2024) COP28 – Transport Connects to the Broader Decarbonisation Agenda, LogiSym – the Magazine for Supply Chain Executives, February 2024 (page 22-25) (
Lehmacher W., Lind M. (2023) Mobilisation for collaboration and progress in shipping, pp. 26-29, edition 133, Port Technology International.
Haraldson, S., Lind, M., Raza, Z. (2023), The Sustainable Development Goals: An opportunity for seaports to drive business value – A practical guide, Lighthouse Reports, 16/6 2023, Lighthouse (
Lind M., Lemacher W., Bentham J., Kuttan S., Tikka K., Watson R.T. (2022) Four Steps Towards Maritime Decarbonizing Actions: Playbook Part 5, 11/12-2022, The Maritime Executive (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., Kuttan S., Carson-Jackson J., Cummins D., van Gogh M., Rydbergh T. (2022) Partnering Towards Zero Emissions Shipping: Playbook Part 4, 4/11-2022, The Maritime Executive (
Lehmacher W., Lind M. (2022) Partnering on decarbonisation, 29/9-2022, The Loadstar Podcast (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., De Tremerie L., Dubielzig F., Forsström E., Holthus P., Morgante A., Singh S., Tenenbaum L. (2022) Enablers for Decarbonising the Maritime Industry: Decarbonisation Playbook Part 3, 25/9-2022, The Maritime Executive (
Lind M., Lehmacher W. (2022) Positioning partnerships in shipping decarbonization, Article No. 92 [UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter N°95 – Third Quarter 2022] (
Lind M., Lehmacher W. (2022) Value chain-based pathways towards zero-emission shipping – a practical playbook, Nordic West Office (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., Bentham J., Tikka K., Thomas W., Notteboom T., Fries S., Penttilä R. (2022) Three Maritime Transition Scenarios: Decarbonization Playbook Part 1, 4/7-2022, The Maritime Executive (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., Doepel T., Heinimaa J., Hoffmann J., Laurilehto M., Lebmeier M., Petersen M., Rytkölä I., Saari J., Singh S., Walls R., Watson R.T. (2022) The Benefits of a Clusters of Value Chains perspective in Decarbonising Shipping: Decarbonisation Playbook Part 2, 22/8-2022, The Maritime Executive (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., Åhlén Björk S., Haraldson S., Pålsson C., Penttilä R., Tikka K., Watson R.T. (2022) Decarbonizing the maritime sector: Mobilizing coordinated action in the industry using an ecosystems approach, Article No. 89 [UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter N°94 – Second Quarter 2022].
Lehmacher W., Lind M. (2021) COP26: 5Zs that changed the world, Part 1–Defining the moment”, LogiSym – the Magazine for Supply Chain Executives, December-January 2021 (page 32-34) (
Lehmacher W., Lind M. (2021) COP26: 5Zs that changed the world, Part 2–Defining the execution”, LogiSym – the Magazine for Supply Chain Executives, February 2022 (page 22-24) (
Hvid Jensen H., Andersen M. M., Dao A., Lind M., Pandey V., Bapuji G., Petersen M., Hobson B., Lehmacher W., Turos A. (2021) Digitalisation in a Maritime Circular Economy, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics: Additional Perspectives and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer.
Hvid Jensen H., Andersen M. M., Dao A., Lind M., Pandey V., Bapuji G., Petersen M., Hobson B., Lehmacher W., Turos A. (2021) Digitalisation in a Maritime Circular Economy, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics: Additional Perspectives and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lind M., Pettersson S., Karlsson J., Steijaert B., Hermansson P., Haraldson S., Axell M., Zerem A. (2020) Sustainable Ports as Energy Hubs, The Maritime Executive, 27/11-2020 (
Harnischmacher C., Maike G., Mathias W., Lutz K. (2020) Secondary Use of a Smart Electric Container Terminal: Scenario Analysis on Relevant Cost Drivers, 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020), Salt Lake City
Chrysostomou A., Lind M. (2019) Digital Data Sharing for Reduced Emissions in Port Visits, presented at GCET20
Chrysostomou A., Lind M., Bergmann M. (2019) Ports of the Future: Bringing Emissions in Port Visits to a Minimum by Collaboration and Data Sharing, Paper presented at International Conference on Marine Engineering and Technology, 5-7th of November 2019, Military Technological College, Muscat, Oman
Harnischmacher C., Greve M., Brendel A. B., Wulff B., and Kolbe L. M. (2021), A Smart Grid in Container Terminals – Cost Drivers for Using the Energy Storage of Electric Transport Vehicles for Grid Stability, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lind M., Bjorn-Andersen N., Watson R.T., Ward R., Bergmann M., Rylander R., Andersen T., Hägg M., Karlsson M., Zerem A., Haraldson S., Pettersson S., Lane A., Carbajosa J., Sancricca M., Karlsson J., Theodossiou S., Santén V. (2018) The Potential Role of PortCDM in Cold Ironing, Concept Note #20, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Ward R., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Zerem A. (2019) Digitalizing the port call process, UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Series No. 13, UNCTAD (
Panayides P. M., Alexandrou A. E., Alexandrou S. E. (2021), Green supply chain management, environmental controls and regulations in shipping, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics. Heidelberg: Springer.
Watson R.T., Holm H., Lind M. (2015) Green Steaming: A Methodology for Estimating Carbon Emissions Avoided, Thirty Sixth International Conference on Information Systems, Fort Worth 2015
Digital Twinning
Last updated on February 22nd, 2024 at 10:59 am

Lind M., Lehmacher W., Watson R., van Gogh M. (2024) How digital twins can help navigate supply chain disruption, 8/2-2024, World Economic Forum.
Lind M., Becha H., Watson R. T., Kouwenhoven N., Zuesongdham P., Baldauf U. (2020) Digital twins for the maritime sector, Smart Maritime Network, 2020-07-15 ( sector.pdf)
New roles emerging due to digitalization
Last updated on June 19th, 2023 at 04:05 pm

Lind M., Lehmacher W., Fu X., Lind K., Yin X. F., Bolinder M., Hagerstrand-Avall B., Hallam S., Stenhammar A., Suroto J. (2023) Managing Pain Points in End-to-End Supply Chains – How a new networked solution may revolutionize risk management, 20/4-2023, The Maritime Executive (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., Fu X., Lind K., Yin X. F., Bolinder M., Hagerstrand-Avall B., Hallam S., Stenhammar A., Suroto J. (2023) A supply chain community that can cure shipper pain points, 21/4-2023, The Loadstar (
Singh S., Carson-Jackson J., Rambarath -Parasram V., Lind M., Lehmacher W., Watson R., Haraldson S., Frits Eriksson O. (2022) Are we on track? XTE and Maritime Education and Training, January 2022, Seaway – The International Journal of The Nautical Institute
Lind M., Croston J. C. (2020) Rethinking maritime businesses for the digital age: the evolving role of ship agents, Article No. 49 [UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter N°85 – First Quarter 2020] (
Lind M., Williams J. C., Probert S., Croston J. C. (2020) Keeping ship agents and ship brokers up to pace, Smart Maritime Network, 2020-09-17 (
Smart ports
Last updated on June 19th, 2023 at 04:01 pm

Haraldson, S., Lind, M., Raza, Z. (2023), The Sustainable Development Goals: An opportunity for seaports to drive business value – A practical guide, Lighthouse Reports, 16/6 2023, Lighthouse (
Lind M., Haraldson S., Lehmacher W., Raza Z., Forsström E., Astner L., Bentham J., Fu X., Suroto J., Zuesongdham P. (2023) Thinking the future energy model nodes of the world – a reflection framework for port development, Article No. 103 [UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter N°97 – First Quarter 2023] (
Lind M., Lehmacher W. (2023) The port as a digital node: A connector well-positioned not only amidst carriers, pp. 58-61, edition 131, Port Technology International (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., Reinhart J., Watson R. T., Carson-Jackson J., and Singh S. (2023) Shipping’s most pressing concerns analysed, 25/4-2023, (
Haraldson, S., Lind, M., Raza, Z., Woxenius J., Olindersson F. (2023), The concept of the sustainable port – ports becoming enablers of sustainability in transports and logistics, Lighthouse Reports, 16/5 2023, Lighthouse (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., Poikonen J., Gardeitchik J. (2022) Flattening the curve of infrastructure utilization by flexible port opening hours – an artificial intelligence use case for smart resource allocation, 2/3-2022, The Loadstar
Lind M., Haraldson S., Lind K., Lehmacher W., Svan M., Renz M., Gardeitchik J., Singh S., Zuesongdham P. (2021) ”Ports of tomorrow: measuring digital maturity to empower sustainable port operations and business ecosystems”, Article No. Article No. 82 [UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter N°92 – Fourth Quarter 2021]
Lind M., Haraldson S., Lind K., Lehmacher W., Svan M., Renz M., Gardeitchik J., Singh S., Zuesongdham P. (2021) ”The model way to develop sustainable ports through digitalisation”, 2021-11-11, The Loadstar .
Lind M., Haraldson S., Lind K., Lehmacher W., Svan M., Renz M., Gardeitchik J., Singh S., Zuesongdham P. (2021) ”Ports of tomorrow: measuring digital maturity to empower sustainable port operations and business ecosystems”, 2021-11-10, The Maritime Executive.
Becha H., Lind M. (2021) Standardized Data Sharing Enabling Smart Port Networks, Instituto per gli studi de politica internazionale, 29/3-2021 (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., Haraldson S., Fu X., Zuesongdham P., Huesmann R., Fich S. (2020) SMART PORTS AS LIGHTHOUSE NODES OF SUPPLY CHAIN NETWORKS Port Technolog International – The e-journal of ports and terminals, Edition 104-2020 (
Becha H., Lind M., Simha A., Bottin F. (2020) Smart ports: On the move to becoming global logistics information exchange hubs, Smart Maritime Network, 20/4-2020 (
Lind M., Gardeitchik J., Carson-Jackson J., Haraldson S., Zuesongdham P.(2020) ‘Get Smart’ – Developing smart maritime ecosystems, Seaways, July 2020 (
Collaborative Decision Making, Port Operations and Port Visits
Last updated on July 4th, 2022 at 07:07 am

Lind M., Haraldson S., Lind K., Bergstrand J., Roos A., Lundgren M. (2022) The Role of Democratic Platforms in Transport System Innovation, 14th ITS European Congress, Toulouse, France, 30 May-1 June 2022
Lind M., Haraldson S., Lind K., Lehmacher W., Svan M., Renz M., Gardeitchik J., Singh S., Zuesongdham P. (2021) ”Ports of tomorrow: measuring digital maturity to empower sustainable port operations and business ecosystems”, Article No. Article No. 82 [UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter N°92 – Fourth Quarter 2021] (
Lind M., Haraldson S., Carson-Jackson J., Gardeichik J., Singh S., Zuesongdham P., Morton R., Pettersson S., Pernia O., Larsen S.E. (2021) Ports as multidimensional hubs, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics: Additional Perspectives and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lind M., Haraldson S., Carson-Jackson J., Gardeichik J., Singh S., Zuesongdham P., Morton R., Pettersson S., Pernia O., Larsen S.E. (2021) Ports as multidimensional hubs, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics: Additional Perspectives and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lind M., Becha H., Simha A., Larsen S. E., Ben-Amram E., Gnass M. (2021) Port call optimization: Two sides of the same coin, Smart Maritime Network, 25/2-2021 (
Lind M. (2017) Beauty of co-ordinated port calls, June 2017, Port Strategy (
Lind M., Andersen N-B., Bergmann M., Ward R., Haraldson S., Michaelides M., Zerem A., Angelov V., Karlsson M., Andersen T., Gimenez J., Ferrus G., (2019) Maturity Level 7 in implementing PortCDM – Continuous improvement of PortCDM Principles, Implementation note #5, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Andersen T., Bergmann M., Watson R.T., Haraldson S., Karlsson M., Michaelides M., Gimenez J., Ward R., Bjørn-Andersen N., Gonzales A., Holmgren B., Zerem A., Rauer F., Sahlberg H., Lindberg J. (2018) The maturity level framework for PortCDM, Concept Note #13, STM Validation Project ( (also presented at IHMA 2018)
Lind M., Andersen T., Bergmann M., Watson R.T., Haraldson S., Rygh T., Karlsson M., Kinn M. (2018) Coordinated Value Creation in Cruise Call Operations – The case of the Port of Stavanger, Concept Note #10, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Becha H., Simha A., Bottin F., Larsen S. E. (2020) Smart Decision-Making and Collaborative Alignment, Smart Maritime Network, 2020-08-20 (
Lind M., Bergmann M, Andersen N-B., Haraldson S., Watson R., Andersen T., Michaelides M., Evmides N., Gerosavva N., Karlsson M., Holm H., Olsson E., Zerem A., Herodotou H., Ferrus G., Gimenez J., Arjona J., Marquez M., Rygh T., Voskarides S. (2019) Substantial value for shipping found in PortCDM testbeds, Concept Note #22, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Andersen T. (2019) Improving predictability of shipping to reduce emissions by ports and maritime transport, Article published on LinkedIn (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Andersen T., Haraldson S., Ward R., Andersen N-B., Michaelides M., Watson R.T., Ferrus G., Zerem A., Gimenez J., Karlsson M. (2019) Achieving compliance in collaboration and data sharing with PortCDM, Implementation note #1, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Watson R.T., Park J., Gimenez J., Andersen T. (2018) Port Collaborative Decision Making (PortCDM): An enabler for Port Call Optimization empowered by international harmonization, Concept Note #1, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Watson R.T., Park J., Gimenez J., Andersen T. (2018) Enabling Effective Port Resource Management: Integrating Systems of Production Data Streams, Concept Note #3, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Ward R. Carson-Jackson J. (2018) Port Collaborative Decision Making – Making port calls more predictable can improve the experience for ships’ Masters and ship operations calls, Seaways, December 2018 (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Ward R., Haraldson S., Andersen N-B., Michaelides M., Watson R.T., Zerem A., Angelov V., Karlsson M., Andersen T., Gimenez J., Ferrus G., (2019) Maturity Level 6 in Implementing PortCDM – Full Adoption of PortCDM Principles, Implementation note #4, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Watson R.T., Bjorn-Andersen N., Haraldson S., Andersen S., Ward R., Rosemann M., Karlsson M., Zerem A., Skovbakke Juhl J., Sanricca M. (2018) Port Call Efficiency – the benefits of coordination and synchronization, Concept Note #14, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Bjørn-Andersen N., Ward R., Watson R.T., Bergmann M., Andersen T. (2018) Synchronization for Port Effectiveness, Ed. 79, pp. 82-84, Port Technology Journal (
Lind M., Chua C.P., Bergmann M., Fu X. (2019) Enabling Efficient Tanker Operation through Collaboration and Data-sharing, Ed. 89, pp. 128-131, Port Technology Journal (
Lind M., Haraldson S., Bergmann M., Ward R., Andersen N-B., Andersen T., Michaelides M., Karlsson M., Watson R.T., Zerem A., Olsson E., Gimenez J., Ferrus G. (2019) First Steps in implementing PortCDM – establishing the data sharing environment, Implementation note #2, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Haraldson S., Bergmann M., Ward R., Andersen N-B., Andersen T., Michaelides M., Karlsson M., Watson R.T., Zerem A., Olsson E., Gimenez J., Ferrus G., Angelov V. (2019) Maturity Levels 3 to 5 in implementing PortCDM – increasing data sharing and situational awareness, Implementation note #3, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Haraldson S., Karlsson M., Watson R.T. (2016) Overcoming the inability to predict – a PortCDM future, 10th IHMA Congress – Global Port & Marine Operations, 30th May – 2nd May 2016, Vancouver, Canada
Lind M., Haraldson S., Ward R., Bergmann M., Andersen N-B., Karlsson M., Zerem A., Olsson E., Watson R., Holm H., Michaelides M., Evmides N., Gerosavva N., Andersen T., Rygh T., Arjona Arcona J., Ferrus Clari G., Gimenez Maldonado J., Marquez M., Gonzalez A. (2018) Final PortCDM concept description incl. generic specification of identified services – Improving port operations using PortCDM, STMVal_D1.3 (
Lind M., Lane A., Bjørn-Andersen N., Ward R., Michaelides M., Sancricca M., Watson R.T., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Andersen S., Park J., Theodossiou S. (2018) Ships and Port Idle Time: Who are the Culprits?, Concept Note #18, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Michaelides M., Watson R.T., Bjorn-Andersen N., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Andersen T., Ward R., Sancricca M., Gerosavvas N., Heidecker A., Lane A.,Gimenez J., Ferrús Clari G., Gonzales A., Márquez Richarte M.A., Voskarides S., Pouros G., Deosdad I. (2018) Extending the efficiency boundary from ports to hubs: A new role for container terminal operators, Concept Note #15, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Rygh T., Bergmann M., Watson R.T., Haraldson S., Andersen T. (2018) Balancing just-in-time operations – Coordinating value creation, Concept Note #6, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Sancricca M., Lane A., Bergmann M., Ward R., Watson R.T., Bjorn-Andersen N., Haraldson S., Andersen T., Ballou P. (2018) Making a fragmented and inefficient container industry more profitable through PortCDM, Concept Note #17, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Ward R., Bergmann M., Andersen N-B., Watson R., Haraldson S., Andersen T., Michaelides M. (2019) PortCDM: Validation of the concept and next steps, Concept Note #21, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Ward R., Bergmann M., Haraldson S. (2019) How to boost port call operations, Insight no 10, Global Maritime Forum (
Lind M., Ward R., Michaelides M., Lane A., Sancricca M., Watson R.T., Bergmann M., Bjorn-Andersen N., Haraldson S., Andersen T., Park J., Theodossiou S. (2018) Reducing idle time with collaboration and data sharing, Concept Note #16, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Ward R., Watson R. T., Haraldson S., Zerem A., Paulsen S. (2021), Decision support for port visits, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lind M., Watson R.T., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Gimenez J. (2017) Empowering Mega-terminals with gigabytes, Ed. 75, pp. 104-106, Port Technology Journal (
Lind, M., Haraldson, S., Karlsson, M., & Watson, R. T. (2015). Port collaborative decision making – closing the loop in sea traffic management. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries, Ulrichshusen, Germany.
Lind, M., Haraldson, S., Karlsson, M., Holmberg, P.-E., & Watson, R. T. (2015). Enabling Port Efficiency by increased Collaboration and Information Sharing – Towards a Standardized Port Call Message Format. Paper presented at the Special Interest Group 2 (Ports and Maritime) of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) of the World Conference on Transportation Research, Antwerp, Belgium.