Last updated on June 19th, 2023 at 04:05 pm

Lind M., Lehmacher W., Fu X., Lind K., Yin X. F., Bolinder M., Hagerstrand-Avall B., Hallam S., Stenhammar A., Suroto J. (2023) Managing Pain Points in End-to-End Supply Chains – How a new networked solution may revolutionize risk management, 20/4-2023, The Maritime Executive (
Lind M., Lehmacher W., Fu X., Lind K., Yin X. F., Bolinder M., Hagerstrand-Avall B., Hallam S., Stenhammar A., Suroto J. (2023) A supply chain community that can cure shipper pain points, 21/4-2023, The Loadstar (
Singh S., Carson-Jackson J., Rambarath -Parasram V., Lind M., Lehmacher W., Watson R., Haraldson S., Frits Eriksson O. (2022) Are we on track? XTE and Maritime Education and Training, January 2022, Seaway – The International Journal of The Nautical Institute
Lind M., Croston J. C. (2020) Rethinking maritime businesses for the digital age: the evolving role of ship agents, Article No. 49 [UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter N°85 – First Quarter 2020] (
Lind M., Williams J. C., Probert S., Croston J. C. (2020) Keeping ship agents and ship brokers up to pace, Smart Maritime Network, 2020-09-17 (