Last updated on July 4th, 2022 at 07:07 am

Lind M., Haraldson S., Lind K., Bergstrand J., Roos A., Lundgren M. (2022) The Role of Democratic Platforms in Transport System Innovation, 14th ITS European Congress, Toulouse, France, 30 May-1 June 2022
Lind M., Haraldson S., Lind K., Lehmacher W., Svan M., Renz M., Gardeitchik J., Singh S., Zuesongdham P. (2021) ”Ports of tomorrow: measuring digital maturity to empower sustainable port operations and business ecosystems”, Article No. Article No. 82 [UNCTAD Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter N°92 – Fourth Quarter 2021] (
Lind M., Haraldson S., Carson-Jackson J., Gardeichik J., Singh S., Zuesongdham P., Morton R., Pettersson S., Pernia O., Larsen S.E. (2021) Ports as multidimensional hubs, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics: Additional Perspectives and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lind M., Haraldson S., Carson-Jackson J., Gardeichik J., Singh S., Zuesongdham P., Morton R., Pettersson S., Pernia O., Larsen S.E. (2021) Ports as multidimensional hubs, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics: Additional Perspectives and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lind M., Becha H., Simha A., Larsen S. E., Ben-Amram E., Gnass M. (2021) Port call optimization: Two sides of the same coin, Smart Maritime Network, 25/2-2021 (
Lind M. (2017) Beauty of co-ordinated port calls, June 2017, Port Strategy (
Lind M., Andersen N-B., Bergmann M., Ward R., Haraldson S., Michaelides M., Zerem A., Angelov V., Karlsson M., Andersen T., Gimenez J., Ferrus G., (2019) Maturity Level 7 in implementing PortCDM – Continuous improvement of PortCDM Principles, Implementation note #5, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Andersen T., Bergmann M., Watson R.T., Haraldson S., Karlsson M., Michaelides M., Gimenez J., Ward R., Bjørn-Andersen N., Gonzales A., Holmgren B., Zerem A., Rauer F., Sahlberg H., Lindberg J. (2018) The maturity level framework for PortCDM, Concept Note #13, STM Validation Project ( (also presented at IHMA 2018)
Lind M., Andersen T., Bergmann M., Watson R.T., Haraldson S., Rygh T., Karlsson M., Kinn M. (2018) Coordinated Value Creation in Cruise Call Operations – The case of the Port of Stavanger, Concept Note #10, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Becha H., Simha A., Bottin F., Larsen S. E. (2020) Smart Decision-Making and Collaborative Alignment, Smart Maritime Network, 2020-08-20 (
Lind M., Bergmann M, Andersen N-B., Haraldson S., Watson R., Andersen T., Michaelides M., Evmides N., Gerosavva N., Karlsson M., Holm H., Olsson E., Zerem A., Herodotou H., Ferrus G., Gimenez J., Arjona J., Marquez M., Rygh T., Voskarides S. (2019) Substantial value for shipping found in PortCDM testbeds, Concept Note #22, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Andersen T. (2019) Improving predictability of shipping to reduce emissions by ports and maritime transport, Article published on LinkedIn (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Andersen T., Haraldson S., Ward R., Andersen N-B., Michaelides M., Watson R.T., Ferrus G., Zerem A., Gimenez J., Karlsson M. (2019) Achieving compliance in collaboration and data sharing with PortCDM, Implementation note #1, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Watson R.T., Park J., Gimenez J., Andersen T. (2018) Port Collaborative Decision Making (PortCDM): An enabler for Port Call Optimization empowered by international harmonization, Concept Note #1, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Watson R.T., Park J., Gimenez J., Andersen T. (2018) Enabling Effective Port Resource Management: Integrating Systems of Production Data Streams, Concept Note #3, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Ward R. Carson-Jackson J. (2018) Port Collaborative Decision Making – Making port calls more predictable can improve the experience for ships’ Masters and ship operations calls, Seaways, December 2018 (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Ward R., Haraldson S., Andersen N-B., Michaelides M., Watson R.T., Zerem A., Angelov V., Karlsson M., Andersen T., Gimenez J., Ferrus G., (2019) Maturity Level 6 in Implementing PortCDM – Full Adoption of PortCDM Principles, Implementation note #4, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Bergmann M., Watson R.T., Bjorn-Andersen N., Haraldson S., Andersen S., Ward R., Rosemann M., Karlsson M., Zerem A., Skovbakke Juhl J., Sanricca M. (2018) Port Call Efficiency – the benefits of coordination and synchronization, Concept Note #14, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Bjørn-Andersen N., Ward R., Watson R.T., Bergmann M., Andersen T. (2018) Synchronization for Port Effectiveness, Ed. 79, pp. 82-84, Port Technology Journal (
Lind M., Chua C.P., Bergmann M., Fu X. (2019) Enabling Efficient Tanker Operation through Collaboration and Data-sharing, Ed. 89, pp. 128-131, Port Technology Journal (
Lind M., Haraldson S., Bergmann M., Ward R., Andersen N-B., Andersen T., Michaelides M., Karlsson M., Watson R.T., Zerem A., Olsson E., Gimenez J., Ferrus G. (2019) First Steps in implementing PortCDM – establishing the data sharing environment, Implementation note #2, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Haraldson S., Bergmann M., Ward R., Andersen N-B., Andersen T., Michaelides M., Karlsson M., Watson R.T., Zerem A., Olsson E., Gimenez J., Ferrus G., Angelov V. (2019) Maturity Levels 3 to 5 in implementing PortCDM – increasing data sharing and situational awareness, Implementation note #3, International PortCDM Council (
Lind M., Haraldson S., Karlsson M., Watson R.T. (2016) Overcoming the inability to predict – a PortCDM future, 10th IHMA Congress – Global Port & Marine Operations, 30th May – 2nd May 2016, Vancouver, Canada
Lind M., Haraldson S., Ward R., Bergmann M., Andersen N-B., Karlsson M., Zerem A., Olsson E., Watson R., Holm H., Michaelides M., Evmides N., Gerosavva N., Andersen T., Rygh T., Arjona Arcona J., Ferrus Clari G., Gimenez Maldonado J., Marquez M., Gonzalez A. (2018) Final PortCDM concept description incl. generic specification of identified services – Improving port operations using PortCDM, STMVal_D1.3 (
Lind M., Lane A., Bjørn-Andersen N., Ward R., Michaelides M., Sancricca M., Watson R.T., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Andersen S., Park J., Theodossiou S. (2018) Ships and Port Idle Time: Who are the Culprits?, Concept Note #18, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Michaelides M., Watson R.T., Bjorn-Andersen N., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Andersen T., Ward R., Sancricca M., Gerosavvas N., Heidecker A., Lane A.,Gimenez J., Ferrús Clari G., Gonzales A., Márquez Richarte M.A., Voskarides S., Pouros G., Deosdad I. (2018) Extending the efficiency boundary from ports to hubs: A new role for container terminal operators, Concept Note #15, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Rygh T., Bergmann M., Watson R.T., Haraldson S., Andersen T. (2018) Balancing just-in-time operations – Coordinating value creation, Concept Note #6, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Sancricca M., Lane A., Bergmann M., Ward R., Watson R.T., Bjorn-Andersen N., Haraldson S., Andersen T., Ballou P. (2018) Making a fragmented and inefficient container industry more profitable through PortCDM, Concept Note #17, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Ward R., Bergmann M., Andersen N-B., Watson R., Haraldson S., Andersen T., Michaelides M. (2019) PortCDM: Validation of the concept and next steps, Concept Note #21, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Ward R., Bergmann M., Haraldson S. (2019) How to boost port call operations, Insight no 10, Global Maritime Forum (
Lind M., Ward R., Michaelides M., Lane A., Sancricca M., Watson R.T., Bergmann M., Bjorn-Andersen N., Haraldson S., Andersen T., Park J., Theodossiou S. (2018) Reducing idle time with collaboration and data sharing, Concept Note #16, STM Validation Project (
Lind M., Ward R., Watson R. T., Haraldson S., Zerem A., Paulsen S. (2021), Decision support for port visits, in M. Lind, M. Michaelides, R. Ward, R. T. Watson (Ed.), Maritime informatics. Heidelberg: Springer.
Lind M., Watson R.T., Bergmann M., Haraldson S., Gimenez J. (2017) Empowering Mega-terminals with gigabytes, Ed. 75, pp. 104-106, Port Technology Journal (
Lind, M., Haraldson, S., Karlsson, M., & Watson, R. T. (2015). Port collaborative decision making – closing the loop in sea traffic management. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries, Ulrichshusen, Germany.
Lind, M., Haraldson, S., Karlsson, M., Holmberg, P.-E., & Watson, R. T. (2015). Enabling Port Efficiency by increased Collaboration and Information Sharing – Towards a Standardized Port Call Message Format. Paper presented at the Special Interest Group 2 (Ports and Maritime) of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) of the World Conference on Transportation Research, Antwerp, Belgium.